
Ensuring Long-Term Orthodontic Success

Removable Retainers: Essential for Stability

After your braces are removed, retainers step in to maintain your dental corrections. The surrounding bone and soft tissues need time to settle, making consistent retainer wear crucial. Failure to follow instructions may lead to unwanted tooth movements, potentially requiring additional treatment.

How to Wear Retainers: A Commitment to Excellence

To prevent teeth from shifting over time, we recommend indefinite retainer use following orthodontic therapy. Initially, wear your retainers 24 hours a day, adjusting as advised during regular check-ups over the next 24 months. This ensures your retainers fit comfortably and effectively, preventing discomfort and the need for replacement due to poor fit caused by tooth movement.

  • Wear retainers 24 hours a day initially, adjusting per the dentist’s instructions.
  • Transition to wearing retainers at night after the initial adjustment phase.

As time progresses, many patients transition to wearing retainers at night, likened to “pajamas for your mouth,” to promote long-term stability by allowing the bone to fully solidify around your teeth.

Dr. Miller’s Final Recommendations: Personalized for Lifelong Success

Dr. Miller will take final records, including X-rays, and provide personalized guidance on wisdom teeth and retainer use. For young patients, involving parents in the final review ensures everyone understands the journey from start to finish.

Retainer Care Tips: Maintaining Optimal Condition

Retainers are crafted from a sensitive thermoplastic material, so protect them from excessive heat (over 115°F). Store them in their designated case when not in use, away from curious pets.

  • Store retainers in their designated case.
  • Keep away from pets to prevent damage.

To keep retainers clean and effective, brush them before and after each use to prevent plaque buildup. A gentle scrub with toothpaste and regular rinsing are essential. Periodic replacement is necessary for long-term use, and our treatment plan includes one set of post-brace removal.

However, if they are lost or damaged due to neglect, replacement will incur a fee. Contact our office promptly if your retainers become loose or break.

Fixed Retainers (Bonded Wire): A Secure Behind-the-Scenes Solution

Bonded behind your teeth (lingual), fixed retainers play a crucial role in maintaining alignment. Proper care prevents plaque buildup that can lead to decay or gum issues. Should your wire break, replace it with a removable retainer, as recommended by Dr. Miller.

Habits Requiring Enhanced Retention: Supporting Your Unique Needs

Certain habits or conditions—like mouth breathing, teeth grinding, tongue thrusting, or playing reed instruments—may require specialized retention strategies. Our goal is to preserve your beautiful smile and oral health for life.

Dental Exams and Cleanings: Essential Ongoing Care

Continue your diligent oral hygiene routine at home with thorough brushing and flossing. Regular cleanings and exams with your family dentist every six months are crucial for maintaining optimal oral health.