
Elastics, also known as rubber bands, play a crucial role in effective orthodontic treatment by applying additional force to move teeth and jaws into their proper positions. Your commitment to wearing them as instructed is essential for achieving the best results and minimizing discomfort.

Initially, wearing elastics may cause some tooth tenderness as they start shifting. This discomfort typically lasts for a day or two and indicates that the treatment is progressing. Consistently wearing your rubber bands according to our guidelines is crucial; neglecting to do so can prolong tenderness and delay progress.

Tips for Effective Use of Elastics:

  1. Daily Wear: It’s your responsibility to place the elastics on your braces daily and wear them as instructed.
  2. Carry Spares: Keep extra elastic bands with you to replace them promptly if one breaks. If your supply runs low, contact our office, and we’ll send you more.
  3. Consistent Use: If you forget to wear your elastics one day, do not double up the next day—continue with your regular schedule.
  4. Replace Regularly: Elastic bands lose their elasticity over time, reducing their effectiveness. Change them as directed, even if they are not broken.
  5. Address Issues Promptly: If you experience frequent breakage of elastics, loose wires or bands, or issues with hooks, contact our office immediately. Timely correction helps maintain treatment progress.

Remember, adhering to these guidelines, attending scheduled appointments, and diligently following all instructions are essential steps toward achieving your goal of a healthy, beautiful smile efficiently.